Our model is simple, but powerful.


Our standards are developed and maintained by the brightest minds in the fight against human exploitation.

We begin by convening leaders from trafficking-impacted industries like agriculture, hospitality, transportation, and domestic services; alongside experienced law enforcement executives, dedicated lawmakers, preeminent policy experts, astute academic researchers, and impacted people. Together, our standards advisory council is engaged in a virtuous cycle of standards evolution that never stops — constantly elevating the latest research, evidence and experiences that inform how businesses and organizations across both public and private sectors can combat human trafficking and labor exploitation. This means that not only do our standards include cross-disciplinary rigor, they’re responsive to the constantly changing environments in which our fellow humans are exploited. This responsiveness is what allows us to not just set, but continually raise the bar for Freedom and Flourishing, and stay ahead of those who do harm.


Our partnerships are collaborative, responsive and impact-driven to identify and address trafficking at its root.

Free Human Project is not just another label. Our standards mean as much to us in the field, as they do in the boardroom. When we call the organizations who bear our label partners, we mean it — because we know that the fight for Freedom & Flourishing will be won together. That’s why we not only hold our partners to the highest standards to combat trafficking, but expect them to hold us to the highest standards of innovation, growth and reinvestment too. We begin every partnership with a collaborative audit, so that we can both understand the unique points in our client’s processes that are the best fit for Free Human Project partnership. From there, we tailor Free Human Project Best Practices to their day-to-day operations, deploy a strategic launch of the practices into the field, and continue collaborating with partners to monitor how the program is working and make adjustments. At the same time, we welcome our organizational partners to our strategic table, so that they can help us connect with the communities they serve as we work to reinvest in the people and places most impacted by exploitation.


Our campaigns empower consumers to help end exploitation with their daily dollars.

We see the hard work our partners put in to combat the exploitation of our fellow humans every day. Which means, we’re really proud of our partnerships and love telling people about them. What’s even better, we know that our humble bragging about our partners’ big successes in the field isn’t just humble bragging. When we shout from the rooftops about how our partners are fighting for freedom & flourishing, we’re empowering our friends and neighbors to join the fight. That’s why we conceptualize, design and execute innovative campaigns to elevate the issue of human trafficking and the work our partners are doing in the public narrative. From earned media spots to (hopefully viral) social media campaigns, our team is always dreaming up new and innovative ways to reach key audiences with interactive and educational content that helps them put their money where their morals are: with organizations who stand against the exploitation of humans around the globe.


Our reinvestments lift up people and places hit hardest, and work to hold those who do harm accountable.

Trafficking is a $236 billion per year business that, because it’s so profitable, pits good people against powerful enemies. That’s why we know we cannot just work in the field with our partners to be successful. We reinvest every penny our investors, partners, and friends put into the Free Human Project to advance policies and programs that lift up the people who have been harmed and hold the perpetrators of exploitation accountable. We do this work through the Free Human Project, which engages at both the state and federal levels on policies that are directly and indirectly consequential to the fight against trafficking in persons. As well as in partnership with The Free Human Foundation, which provides both public education and hands-on programs to directly impacted people and communities, influential community members, and the general public.